Few things are as frustrating as watching your BBQ flame fizzle out mid-grill because the gas bottle is empty. With showers, heating, cooking, and other household activities draining the cylinder quickly, it can be difficult to keep track of its fill level. Weighing your cylinder can be accurate but is impractical for most, while manual checks such as shaking and pouring warm water over the cylinder are often deceiving. Fortunately there are now a number of devices that can help to keep tabs on your LPG cylinder’s fill levels.

The transport of high pressure cylinders is regulated globally by governing bodies with different standards and regulations for both refillable and non-refillable cylinders. In addition to these governing body requirements there are also specific guidelines for the cylinders themselves, which can be divided into 2 categories; Refillable cylinders and Non-refillable cylinders (or disposable cylinders).

Most LPG gas cylinders come with a number of standard markings, including the manufacturer’s name and address, DOT or ICC identification number – ex. DOT3AA2265 – and service pressure in psi. The cylinders will also contain a serial number, date of manufacture, a test mark and a CylinderTrak bar code for tracking purposes. Cylinders are rated to a maximum of 95% full, with the remaining 5% left for expansion during warmer weather.

For a more accurate reading of your cylinder’s capacity, you can use warm water to check the cylinder’s temperature. To do this, fill a bucket with warm water and gently pour it over the cylinder. As the steel cools down the point where it feels cooler will indicate the cylinder’s gas level.

Another way to measure the cylinder’s gas level is by opening the valve of the cylinder and observing the liquid inside. However, this can be dangerous and should only be done by a professional. A safer method is to open the bleed screw and wait for liquid LPG to ooze out, which will indicate that the cylinder is nearly empty.

Lastly, the best and most accurate way to know when your cylinder is almost empty is by weighing it. This method can be used at home with a bathroom scale, or at gas refilling stations for larger cylinders that are too heavy to be weighed. The advantage of weighing is that the tare weight of the cylinder can be inputted to the digital scale and shut off when it reaches the desired filling amount.

If you’d prefer a device that eliminates the need for measuring, there are now a number of gadgets available to purchase online. One such product is the LevelControl App, which magnetically fixes to your cylinder and uses ultra-sound to detect the cylinder’s gas level. The app then sends a live update to your smartphone or tablet so that you can stay on top of your cylinder’s usage and plan ahead for the next refill. There are many other devices available on the market as well, so you’re sure to find something that suits your needs.